Dead Sea, Israel

10th Israeli Acro Convention

24-27th March

We are happy and excited to celebrate with you the tenth Israeli Acro Convention.
Right after the conference – Acro Retreat in Sinai 28.3 to 2.4

We are happy and excited to celebrate with you the tenth Israeli Acro Convention. This year’s event is being held in a stunning new venue – Metzoke Dragot travellers village We invite you to join us for four activity-packed days, with top-notch teachers from Israel and from around the world in an unparalleled acro celebration. There will be a huge variety of classes in all styles and at all levels. (The full schedule will be published soon). The convention is suitable for both beginners and professionals, there will be classes for everyone.

In addition to all the acro, there will be live music and dancing, exciting performances, and our world-famous “acro-olympics”… as well as great food and lively company
Level: everyone, beginner-professional